Auxiliary organ of Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering

Korea Certification Institute for Machine Diagnostics


  • 메인페이지 바로가기
  • Certification
  • Eligibility

ISO 18436-2


Candidates seeking classification do not need to provide evidence of formal education to establish eligibility. All candidates shall be able to use a basic scientific calculator and be familiar with the operation of personal computers. Category III and IV candidates shall require familiarity with current VA technology. Successful completion of two or more years of mechanical technology or mechanical engineering at an accredited college, university or technical school is highly recommended for candidates seeking classification to categories III and IV.

Minimum training durations
CategoryⅠ CategoryⅡ CategoryⅢ CategoryⅣ
30 Hours CategoryⅠ+38 Hours CategoryⅡ+38 Hours CategoryⅢ+64 Hours
Minimum Experience
CategoryⅠ CategoryⅡ CategoryⅢ CategoryⅣ
6 Months 18 Months 36 Months 60 Months

ISO 18436-4


Candidates seeking classification do not need to provide evidence of formal education to establish eligibility. However, it is recommended that candidates for category I and II have at least a secondary school qualification or its equivalent. Category II and III candidates shall be able to manipulate simple algebraic equations, use a basic scientific calculator (including trigonometric and logarithmic functions), and be familiar with the operation of personal computers. Successful completion of two or more years of mechanical technology or mechanical engineering at a college, university, or technical school is highly recommended for candidates seeking classification to category III.

Minimum training durations
CategoryⅠ CategoryⅡ CategoryⅢ
24 Hours 48 Hours 80 Hours
Minimum Experience
CategoryⅠ CategoryⅡ CategoryⅢ
12 Months 24 Months 36 Months

ISO 18436-7


Candidates seeking classification do not need to provide evidence of formal education to establish eligibility. However, it is recommended that candidates for Category I and Category II have at least a secondary school graduate qualification or its equivalent. Category II and III candidates shall be able to manipulate simple algebraic equations, use a basic scientific calculator, and be familiar with the operation of personal computers. Successful completion of two or more years of mechanical technology or mechanical engineering at an accredited college, university, or technical school is highly recommended for candidates seeking classification to Category III.

Minimum training durations
CategoryⅠ CategoryⅡ CategoryⅢ
32 Hours 64 Hours 96 Hours
Minimum Experience
CategoryⅠ CategoryⅡ CategoryⅢ
12 Months 24 Months 48 Months